What will this site do for you?
The Savvy Stuff blog on this site aims to give you completely impartial home energy information in a way that is NOT just 'you need to do this', but also
explains things clearly and in really practical terms.
It will help you:
understand your options and make the energy choices which best fit YOUR
circumstances, whether you are looking at how to heat your home, the
cheapest way to dry clothes, or how to make your home warmer -
take control of your energy, even if you don't feel you know anything about it
have the confidence to use energy without fear and minimise costs without sacrificing comfort

The need for all this has never been more important, especially in a world where
costs are rising rapidly, and energy choices and technologies are becoming ever
more complex.
Additionally, any energy we save is better for the environment (and also ultimately reduces the amount of gas we need to import from Russia!)
Home energy use has changed!
60 years ago, houses used energy in fairly simple ways, with relatively few appliances consuming power.
Homes in the UK often had no central heating, poor glazing and little, if any, insulation.
The climate was relatively moderate compared to other European countries and energy was comparatively cheap. So, when it came to the design and construction of houses, household appliances and electrical devices, there was little focus on energy efficiency.

Today, houses are full of devices that use energy in different ways. The energy crisis means that we now REALLY need to understand where energy is going and how we can manage it better.
It can be hard to find accurate, practical information about how to use energy efficiently and energy use. We all have to navigate our way through a jungle of manufacturers’ claims, confusing information (and misinformation), and over-generalisations about energy-efficient options and actions we might take.
Using plain English, this website aims to address this in an engaging and practical way.
Mark Thompson