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How to find draughts when it's not cold or even windy...

But how?

Normally draught detection means waiting for a cold or windy day and then it is a doddle, just going around the house with the back of your hand.

But when it isn't cold or windy how do you find draughts?

The method below allows you to be a draught detective at any time of year.

The rocket science...

A piece of paper.

If you can easily slide a piece of paper in between an opening window and its frame then you have a gap, and a draught. That's it!

  • A piece of paper is typically a tenth of a millimetre thick. If it slides in freely then you really don't have a proper seal at all.

  • A tenth of a millimetre doesn't sound much, but of course the gap could be much bigger than that. A gap is a gap though, and it will gently bleed heat out of the home all through winter, especially when it is windy.

  • It works for any type of window, and any type of door whether UPVC, composite or wooden.


Other relevant articles

Do also check out my other article on an often neglected dead simple and quick UPVC window maintenance job that will extend the life of your windows and keep them draught free.


Info for fellow geeks

UPVC windows and doors have two seals. An inner and an outer. I think it is fair to assume that if there is a gap between the INNER seal and the frame then there is also a gap between the OUTER seal and the frame. I'm not suggesting both inner AND outer need to be fixed. Fixing the outside one is much less practical and even just concentrating on the inner one will give most of the benefit.


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Mark Thompson

Get Energy Savvy - simple practical home energy efficiency information

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Alison Mascarenhas
Alison Mascarenhas
Mar 13, 2023

Thank you so much Mark. I am learning lots and little changes are making a huge difference


Nov 05, 2022

Wow Thanks for this, will get them done . Thank you

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